Saturday, September 13, 2008

Washing Cars

Hey 3E2,

how' s the experience? no doubt it is car washing but it is also fund raising, but i hope it's a bit better than picking litter or selling flags. Maybe to beef up the experience is really to visit the MINDS school. Yea, that should complete the experience. I'll organise some more after the exams. So... watch out for this space.

To tell the truth, I was pretty doubtful whether or not this thing would take flight. But boy, am I glad to see some of you taking charge and responsibilities to get this going. That's the way! : )

I like to especially thank the group ICs - Janson, Joash, Haslam, My Van, June (Sept), Leonard, Vicki, CY, with additional appreciation to Vicki and Huiling and Grace and My Van and CY for making this possible for the class. Also, special mention to those who took effort to make it down and also those who participate actively and also those who took charge of various stations and did research on how to wash cars and also to get the teachers' orders for the wash. (hmm, we didn't manage to do the parents' cars, eh?)

So next time the boys will be wearing the bikinis?